I Love Fried food and when I found out that there was a place in Brooklyn that fried everything (even a shoe is they had to) I was floored.
Below we have fried mac and cheese. Now I'm one to have had fried mac from other places and thought it was mediocre but this was just pure awesomeness! There was enough cheese to macaroni ratio and frying it was like the icing on the cake. I ordered another one... yes I did :)

The Main Reason I Came HERE was the Fried PIZZA!!!!. And boy was I in for it. The pizza was so good. I'm more of a doughy pizza kind of girl with less sauce more cheese. This had the ratio I was looking for and then some. I mean to fry a slice of pizza is culinary genius! I was speechless and of-course I had another one!!!!!!
Last but definitely not Least I had the only desert on the menu besides candy bars. Fried banana. Just looking at this picture makes my stomach growl. The chocolate sauce was a nice complement to that batter they use. I need to Know how to fry just about anything. Then I too will be a culinary genius!!
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