Friday, August 16, 2013

This review is based off of their dinner and happy hour solely. 

I had a $10 coupon that was expiring today and I just had to use it with my gal pals!

I started my night off with the Caracara special Frozen drink. Cost $11 and it was a big cup. I was a little upset that I got it and wasn't told I could have done the happy hour where I was sitting. When my friends arrived we changed that!

Here we have my new favorite drink that i have to try and make. Jalapeno cucumber margarita!  Doesn't it look delicious? Well it was and I wanted another one but I had another drink lined up!!

My last drink for the night, only because I kept drinking on an empty stomach, was their sangria. Now I had one of these right after the frozen drink, however, it seemed as though this one was a little bit stronger!

their happy hour drinks range from $5 to $10 depending on the drink. I'd highly recommend having all that I had! 

I'm a creature of habit, and I know I know, your going to say... Why didn't you try something new on their dinner menu? Well it was because I was a bit overwhelmed and tipsy when I was looking at the menu... so I went with what was safe.... If you read the graduation post you know that I liked this dish... Well same ole same ole.... 

Now..... had I known that this would have tasted so good... I would have ordered IT. HOLY SMOKES BATMAN!!!!

Shrimp Tamale. My friend had it and one bite sent me for another one!!! Felt bad that  had my usual and was inches away from this master piece! Now I need to plan another visit just for this!!!

I would recommend going here definitely. Just try it! 

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